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Posted  Edited by flyingjoe32

hi it's me, your friendly neighborhood purge manager. so as most of you know i pretty much resigned and @DaLaw took my place as a co-manager of sorts. i stayed on the team as kind of a consultant, helping out wherever help was needed. @DaLaw has done wonders as memeger, and i finally have some hope for the server :kappa:


there's no super deep reason i resigned or anything, i just didn't have the time nor the drive to do so. i was disappointed in myself for letting the new purge go back to the way it was before, and i was busy irl so i had to drop it.


tags below

@Zebra giraffe, thanks for believing in me and also all the work you've done. you were an amazing manager, a great DL, and an even better friend

@ButterKing5000 you probably never check this but look, i resigned :lenny: thanks for the opportunity

@Nap14hockey look i did it. you're amazing, thank you for all the support you've given during my stay on purge. wuv u ❤️

@Dreamm hey there buddy, thanks for being there whenever i needed it. we've become great friends through purge, and there's no one better i could've asked for

@DoctorDJ dream's the better senior 

@DaLaw good job on the server so far, i hope you're able to figure out the crash issues and make purge great again

@TheSadBandit u suck. good luck as purge admin :kappa:

@zoroark please come back, we all miss you. 

@Mr.Elite hope you're doing good, we should talk again

@DaPainWayne bring back the lesser joe :lenny:

@Unknown hey there bud, hope you're well. thanks for being a role-model during my time in purge

@PotatoMum revive your discord plis

@Finnick how could i forgot you, luv u 2. i don't fuk with that furry shit but you made it cool 




to anyone i missed, know that i love you too. i'd like to thank the community for letting me help out purge for over two years, and helping out GFL as a whole as a council member/team leader for around 8 months.


i won't be resigning from forum moderator for the time being.




Edited by flyingjoe32

big signature below




thanks you to @Aura



~~~made by @King_Wailord~~~


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I think you were the memeger hoe joe ❤️

Love you man ❤️

GFL Ranks

[Former] Manager for Purge/DarkRP.                 

[Former] Manager for AWP 24/7

[Former] Senior Badmin for the old Purge.

[Former] Senior Badmin for the new Purge.             

[Former] Senior Admin for Hightower. 

[Former] Server Admin for 2Fort. 

[Former] Server Admin for 2Fort 2

[Former] Human Resources.  


[Bans] Old Purge - 400+


[Joined] 2012-2013.



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this means you can be a discord mod now

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5 minutes ago, brycemalson07 said:

why didn't u @ me bro but its fine I love u bro I wish you would have still played purge.

i'll hop on from time to time, keep an eye out

big signature below




thanks you to @Aura



~~~made by @King_Wailord~~~


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I came back to say I love you joe.

Through EVERYTHING that has happened between me, purge, GFL, and whatnot, you really have stood with me.  Not once have I ever doubted you and how you treated me.  I really have a soft spot for you and everything you've done.  Even with leaving GFL and having a bad taste in my mouth, I still regret my decision.  I miss talking to people like you on a daily basis and having interactions that are unforgettable.  Never once have I felt that you have tried to game me or simply use me for your purposes.  GFL still has, and always will have, a special place in my heart, and that's because people like you have impressed very deep regard since I met you.

I would write more, but I don't think I can because I'm the only one that made it past 3 lines and I don't want to keep rambling.

So, you know how I feel joe.  And I'm always here for you.

And as always, I finish:



(Made by @Rose, thx :D)

[Former]- Breach Admin, OLD Purge SR. Admin, HnS admin, GMOD Murder admin, GMOD JB Admin, TTT Admin, Forum Moderator, Discord Moderator, Public Relations Team Member, Media Team Member



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