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GFL Forums - 2022 in numbers

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Here's a bunch of Forum statistics. The data is from 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2022.


Graphs may take some time to load, and are only visible on desktop; they are interactive though (hover over them)! 


Topics started: 4,259 (an average of 12 per day)

Posts: 15,306 (an average of 42 per day)

Top 10 posters:

  1. @Joshy - 314
  2. @Rhysin but BlazingArson - 277
  3. @Dini - 235
  4. @Salad - 228
  5. @DaPainWayne - 220
  6. @Neon Cat - 206
  7. @Liloz01 - 183
  8. @The1337Gh0st - 177
  9. @Anathema Device - 152
  10. @Infra - 149

@GFLBot is actually #1 with 2191 posts but... it's not a human.


Total Reactions: 6969 (this is not a joke) (an average of 19 per day)

Top 10 reaction givers:

  1. @Joshy - 227
  2. @Anathema Device - 218
  3. @Salad - 197
  4. @Liloz01 - 162
  5. @Auralanity - 148
  6. @Nick - 145
  7. @DrippyDogNuts - 139
  8. @Rhysin but BlazingArson - 129
  9. @DaPainWayne - 129
  10. @AlphaOwl - 114

Top 10 reaction receivers:

  1. @Liloz01 - 305
  2. @Infra - 253
  3. @Joshy - 241
  4. @annoying furry - 213
  5. @Salad - 210
  6. @DaPainWayne - 147
  7. @lobsterpaw - 116
  8. @Vauff - 105
  9. @Anathema Device - 100
  10. @AlphaOwl - 95

Most liked post (31 at time of posting): 

Most liked not-an-event, not-an-announcement post (both 22 at time of posting): 


Most liked not-an-event, not-an-announcement, not-an-application post (21 at time of posting):

Most liked not-an-event, not-an-announcement, not-an-applicaton, not-a-resignation post (19 at time of posting):


Total registrations: 3,677 (an average of 10 per day)


Total warnings: 72 (that's only once every 5 days, good job)

Total reports: 170

Total bans: 47

Total moderation activity: 6,135 (this includes stuff like editing another users post, moving a topic, locking a topic, etc.)


  • Newbie (0 points) - 15,434 members
  • Newcomer (100 points) - 18,033 members
  • Novice (500 points) - 7,130 members
  • Journeyman (1000 points) - 25,359 members
  • Competent (2500 points) - 361 members
  • Proficient (5000 points) - 56 members
  • Expert (7500 points) - 27 members
  • Stellar (10000 points) - 21 members
  • Prodigy (12500 points) - 9 members
  • Supreme (15000 points) - 19 members
  • Outstanding (20000 points) - 4 members (@Darkling, @Cassie, @Hello., @Violator)
  • Maven (25000 points) - 5 members (@Shuruia, @Leks, @VilhjalmrF, @Winter, @Chormee)
  • Virtuoso (30000 points) - 4 members (@Pyros, @xmi, @Finnick @Ben)
  • Oracle (40000 points) - 3 members (@annoying furry@Joshy, @Bae)

Other Shit

  • A total of 7,447 registered members visited the site this year. Given that 3,677 people registered this year, that means that 3,770 accounts from before 2022 are still active.
  • A total of 449 new Forum DMs started this year, within them there were a total of 648 replies. Discounting December due to the Santa mail event, 61% of the new DMs have not received a reply. Lol.
  • A total of 48,083,310 points and 176,237 badges were given this year... because they were introduced this year. I estimate around 5,500,000 points and 25,000 badges would have been earned this year if the system existed since the Forums creation.
  • I estimate a total of around 46051 emails were sent; 49% were new comment notifications, 13% were new device login notifcations, 12.8% were sign-up related, 4.5% were moderation related, 1.6% were account locked emails and the rest were password reset/re-engagement/digest related (too many types to list).
  • The most "users" online at once this year was 5,791 on 01/07/2022. This is obviously not real, it was due to an attack of some sort on the site; the real number is around 500.

This shit took forever to pull together. Fuck. Also, I totally stole this idea from colonel_mortis of the LLT Forum. There are obviously more statistics than this, but... they're a little boring, and aggregating this shit is kind of a nightmare. I might do a post with a bunch of less exciting statistics if there is interest. I plan on doing this every year, as long as I'm around 😉.

Contact me here or on Discord @Liloz01#9857

For help with anything Forum related: 

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1 hour ago, Liloz01 said:

3/4ths of the top 16 ranked people are blue, makes sense I suppose.

Good work putting this all together 🙂

“I was so good at being a kid, and so terrible at being whatever I was now.”
― John Green, Turtles All the Way Down

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